A Wi-Fi health check survey is carried out in situations where a network is already in place and can help in situations where you may be experiencing: 

  • Issues with performance
  • Poor coverage
  • Interference
  • Drop outs
  • Security concerns
  • Low speeds 
  • Issues with capacity
  • Problems roaming between access points

Such issues undermine the investment made in Wi-Fi hardware and cause issues for people trying to use the network.  In many cases, once surveyed with specialist equipment by one of our Wi-Fi professionals, issues solutions are easily found.

Our tools are able to provide a post-survey report which will visualise your Wi-Fi network in a way which highlights issues.  ‘Heatmaps’ will show you where your coverage extends to, clearly identifying which access point is covering which area – indoors or out.  The report can include recommendations of power and channel changes to maximise performance, up to and including the 6Ghz spectrum available in Wi-Fi 6E.

If you’re experiencing issues with any aspect if your existing Wi-Fi, book a health check today to pin point your issues and start the journey towards a faster, more stable network.